Sign Up and send free SMS messages.


Send Message

Put the json data in your HTTP body with POST request to send.


Send a Message

Send a message to specific mobile number.

    "to": "09xxxxxxxxx",
    "message": "Hello World",
    "sender": "SMSPoh"

Send a Test Message

Send a test message to specific mobile number.

    "to": "09xxxxxxxxx",
    "message": "Hello World",
    "sender": "SMSPoh",
    "test": 1

Send Multiple Numbers

If there are duplicated numbers, only one will be sent.

    "to": [
            "09xxxxxxxxx", "09xxxxxxxxx", "09xxxxxxxxx" ],
    "message": "Hello World",
    "sender": "SMSPoh"


If the message you are sending is OTP type, you need to specify a brand name or your App name in the message body. If you send OTP messages that do not contain any brand name or App name, the messages will rejected.

sender Use this field to specify the sender name for your message. This must be at least 3 characters in length but no longer than 11 alphanumeric characters or 13 numeric characters.
message This is the message body content. This parameter should be no longer than 6 message parts.
to The mobile number to be sent. Please note that if you are sending international SMS, use international number format (E.164)
clientReference This value to set your unique reference id for your request which will passed back in the delivery receipt.
deliveryReceiptUrl Use this field to specify an alternative URL to which the delivery receipt(s) will be sent.
schedule This parameter can be used to specify a schedule date/time for your message in MySQL date/time format.
test Set this field to true to enable test mode, no messages will be sent and your credit balance will be unaffected. If not provided defaults to false

Response Body

    "status": true,
    "data": {
        "messages": [
                "id": 12345,
                "create_at": 1535801846,
                "message_to": "959xxxxxxxxx",
                "message_text": "Hello World",
                "operator": "Operator",
                "sender": "SMSPoh",
                "is_delivered": false,
                "is_queuing": true,
                "test": false,
                "num_parts": 1,
                "credit": 1
        "balance": 982088,
        "credit": 1